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sun also rises中文是什么意思

用"sun also rises"造句"sun also rises"怎么读"sun also rises" in a sentence


  • 太阳照常升起


  • The sun also rises .
  • The american writer ernest hemmingway explores this very question in his 1926 novel the sun also rises
  • Over the years the festival has been infused with music , dancing and bullfights . the festival gained worldwide fame after appearing in ernest hemingway ' s 1926 novel the sun also rises
    多年来,节日已经沉浸在音乐,舞蹈和斗牛之中.奔牛节是因为出现在海明威1926的小说< <太阳照常升起> >中而享誉全球的
  • Ernest hemingway won the nobel prize for literature in 1954 , the sun also rises is his important novel . his other important works include farewell to arms , for whom the bell tolls , old man and the sea
    海明威1954年获得诺贝尔文学奖, 《太阳照样升起》是他的第一部重要作品,他的其他著名作品还有《永别了,武器》 , 《丧钟为谁而鸣》 《老人与海》
  • Venice , italy - - fluid motion and glorious colors provide a visual treat in jiang wen ' s sumptuous romantic fantasy " the sun also rises , " which screened in competition at the venice international film festival
用"sun also rises"造句  


  • sun also rises 意味
  • sun also risesとは意味{映画} : 《The ~》陽はまた昇る◆米1957《監督》ヘンリー?キング《出演》タイロン?パワー、エヴァ?ガードナー、メル?ファーラー、エロール?フリン、エディ?アルバート、ロバート?エヴァンス -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {著作} : 《The ~》日はまた昇...
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